
What maintenance is required for sandwich panels over time?

Update:26 Feb 2024

Sandwich panels are relatively low-maintenance building […]

Sandwich panels are relatively low-maintenance building materials, and their maintenance requirements can vary depending on factors such as the specific application, environmental conditions, and the materials used in their construction. Here are some general guidelines for the maintenance of sandwich panels over time:

Regular Cleaning:

Exterior Panels: For sandwich panels used in exterior applications, regular cleaning is essential to remove dirt, dust, and pollutants that may accumulate on the surface. This helps maintain the appearance and prevents the build-up of contaminants that could potentially affect performance.
Interior Panels: Interior sandwich panels may also benefit from periodic cleaning to remove dust and maintain a clean environment.
Inspecting for Damage:

Regular inspections should be conducted to identify any signs of damage, such as dents, scratches, or areas where the facing or core may be compromised. Promptly addressing issues can prevent further deterioration.
Sealing Joints and Fasteners:

If the sandwich panels are part of a building envelope, ensure that joints, seams, and fasteners are properly sealed to prevent water infiltration. Address any gaps or openings promptly to maintain the integrity of the panel system.

Repairs and Replacements:

In the event of significant damage, repairs or replacements may be necessary. Damaged panels should be repaired by professionals or replaced to ensure that the structural and insulating properties are maintained.
Checking for Corrosion:

If the sandwich panels have metal face sheets, periodic checks for corrosion are important, especially in corrosive environments. Apply anti-corrosion treatments as needed.
Inspection of Insulation:

For sandwich panels with insulating cores, periodically inspect the insulation for signs of damage, compression, or deterioration. Damaged insulation can affect thermal performance.
Maintaining Coatings and Finishes:

If the sandwich panels have specific coatings or finishes, follow manufacturer recommendations for maintenance. This may include reapplying protective coatings or finishes to enhance durability and appearance.
Addressing Biological Growth:

In environments where biological growth such as mold or algae is a concern, take measures to address and prevent growth. Clean the panels and address any conditions conducive to biological growth.